

My passion for the past thirty years has been delivering the most valuable and equitable education possible to the most people. My goal has always been to help people improve their lives through education. In addition to credit-bearing coursework, I want to see Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) improve programs for lifelong learners throughout the district. I believe my knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm will create a stronger Board to lead MPC into the future.


  • Creating an inclusive, supportive learning environment that promotes student access and success
  • Overseeing effective allocation of resources balancing student needs with sound financial management

  • Leading with expertise in online education and emerging technologies ready to guide MPC through the impact innovation will have on higher education

  • Fostering productive working relationships within the board and building strong partnerships between the board and college leadership
Together, let’s create an MPC where every student can thrive! 
If you agree with my priorities, I would appreciate your vote on Nov. 5th.