

“The residents of Trustee Area 5 will be well served by Anita. The unique combination of a fresh perspective, vigor for the work of student success, and experience in the world of academia and community colleges are exactly what the Board needs and you deserve.”

Yuri C. Anderson
Monterey Peninsula Community College District Trustee, Area 2 

“I saw firsthand how effectively Anita supported MPC while she was working with the college on our online education programs back in 2019.  She was an invaluable team member and could always be counted on to bring her passion, expertise, and good humor to every situation. She is smart, easy to work with, and gets stuff done!”

Kim Barber, PhD
Monterey City Council, District 1
Vice Mayor

“Anita Crawley is the energy and north star that MPC needs. I fully endorse her for MPC Trustee to make sure all students have the opportunity to thrive!”

Sharon Miller
Educator and long-time Pacific Grove resident

“Anita works in an organized, compassionate, collaborative way to improve opportunities for those who have too often been left out or left behind.”  

Kevin Raskoff, PhD
Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District Board President and MPC Biology Professor

“I saw firsthand how effectively Anita supported MPC while she was working with the college on our online education programs back in 2019.  She was an invaluable team member and could always be counted on to bring her passion, expertise, and good humor to every situation. She is smart, easy to work with, and gets stuff done!”

Carie Broecker
Co-Founder of Caste Action Alliance

“Anita Crawley embodies the spirit of inclusive education and advocacy for underrepresented communities. Her unwavering dedication to providing equitable access to education, particularly for people of color and marginalized groups, is truly inspiring. Her leadership will undoubtedly foster a more inclusive and supportive environment within MPC, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive. Vote for Anita Crawley to empower our community and to champion accessible education for all.”



“Organization name is used for identification purposes only and does not imply organization endorsement.”